Thursday, January 13, 2011

Katherine Scott, Hodgkin's Lymphoma
survivor & owner of 40 Blades of Grass

By Guest Blogger, Katherine Scott

One of the most freeing pieces of knowledge I have learned is that the human body has the ability to heal itself. It has the power to heal any ailment or disease. 

Changing the diet is the ticket. If we continue to feed our bodies the same foods that made us sick in the first place (the typical American diet), then the body will not have the vitality it needs to heal. Changing to a Living Food diet provides the vitality for each cell in the body to detox and heal. 

Living Food are raw foods that contain enzymes. Cooking food at high temperatures changes the molecular structure of the food and the natural healing enzymes start to degrade. Living and raw foods have enormously higher nutrient values compared to foods that have been cooked.

This information is a hidden treasure that has been buried and most of us never find it, but, “when the student is ready the teacher appears.” I WAS READY!

Nine months of chemotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma made me the perfect student. I was ready to soak up everything I needed to know to get out from under the grip of fear. The fear of a recurrence was with me every moment of every day. I held a negative vision of a dire prognosis during my first check- up scan. After the final treatment, I thought to myself” I can’t live like this fearing the worst”.

I wanted a day without fear. Ann Wigmore was an American holistic health practitioner and nutritionist whose writings and lifestyle impressed me greatly. She opened the door for me to the knowledge of green juices, living foods, and a way of eating that restores the body’s ability to heal itself.

I believed it. It rang so true to me. The information that is contained in her book, “The Wheat grass Book” inspired me so much that I immediately followed the instructions about how to grow wheat grass. I don’t recall it being difficult. I obtained trays, organic soil, organic seeds and a set of shelves, and set them up in my kitchen. I was living in London at the time and had no problem growing it. I took delight in seeing how quickly the grass grew.

Although the juice didn't taste great to me at first I knew it was good so I religiously consumed 2 oz’s of juice every morning. That wasn’t too hard to do for my health and peace of mind. That was way back in 1996 and I am thankful to say I have not needed the service of a physician since that time.

Because of my experiences, I decided to educate myself in the Ann Wigmore method and have now opened a beautiful raw foods retreat center in the Utah Valley called 40 Blades of Grass. People at my retreat follow the Ann Wigmore Diet along with wheat grass juice and allow their bodies detox, to heal and at the same time become educated about the super foods…..i.e. those foods that will return the body to its pristine health. Knowledge about how to grow and prepare the foods is also taught.

I Thank God every day for the knowledge of how to restore and regenerate my body and that gratitude has blossomed into a strong desire to educate others and share the peace of mind I have found by eating Raw and Living Foods. Feel free to ask me about raw foods or our retreats.

Have you found peace of mind through better eating habits? Did your eating habits changed after you were diagnosed with cancer? What foods do you now eat to be more healthy?

1 comment:

  1. After my diagnosis, we started eating more blueberries and dark green lettuce. We also stopped eating lots of processed foods.
