Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gain Happiness by Expressing Gratitude

Ginger Johnson, Happy Chemo! Founder
Thank you. Two simple words that mean so much. But how often do we use them? 

As a mother of three young children I am often bombarded with 'Now', 'I want', 'Why can't I' amidst the other bickering like 'He touched me' and 'She's breathing my air!' which happens to be a personal favorite. But all the chaos of the day seems to vanish when my little 3 year old son (who is also my personal cancer marker) says 'Thank you Mommy'. Simple words with power and the ability to change the atmosphere in any situation when spoken with sincerity.

Expressing gratitude to those around us is vital to increasing our own personal happiness. How? Think of gratitude as a physical object. When we open our arms and extend gratitude to those around us, our arms are open to receive the love and support that they have for us in return. It can be a continuous cycle of love as we give and receive the gratitude that is in our hearts.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated and loved. I don't know anyone who says 'I am too appreciated'. We all love to be loved and one way to show love is by expressing gratitude and sharing our thankfulness for the blessings we receive.

And so to everyone reading this, Thank you. Thank you for letting us serve you. Thank you for supporting Happy Chemo! and our mission to make the cancer experience easier to endure. Thank you for fighting each day to survive and Thank you for the kind words and service you render others - even when your energy is low and your day seems grim. Thank you for sharing your life with those around you and thank you for being grateful for what you still have. 

"Oh my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts - it's what you do with what you have left."

May we live each day with thankfulness in our hearts for what we have and strive to express gratitude for it. Our lives will be happier as we do.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Ginger! Thanks for posting it and for all you do. (I don't mean to leave this anonymously.....I just don't know how to do the other options.. :) ) Thanks, Anne Gould
