Saturday, January 8, 2011

Please PUSH Me Around!!!

Ginger Johnson, Happy Chemo! Founder
I've never been much of a push over. I tend to get things done when push comes to shove and have also been known to push my way through crowds. But when I was given the opportunity to experience Push muscle therapy, I was not prepared to like being Pushed around. Let me explain...

Judy Smith of Footloose Reflexology and Muscle Therapies recently joined the Happy Chemo! Network and as a new partner asked that I come experience her services first hand so I'd know exactly what other people could expect. When she said to come for a Push therapy session, I was very interested. Not only because I had heard from friends that she was amazing - but that she can also work wonders on your body. Oh yes, it gets better...

I've had headaches and upper back/neck pain since high school when I was a cheerleader. It's never gone away and I was told by one physician after an x-ray of my spine that my hips were off by 5 cm which was causing all the problems. I had learned to deal with the pain although my body pain intensified with chemo and since chemo I've continued to feel tight all over - especially when I wake up in the morning. I feel like I'm 90!

On Friday I went in for a two hour session of Push muscle therapy and well, let me tell you, my body hasn't felt this good in years!!! Years people. Do you hear me...years!

So what did she do to make me feel so great? She pushed me around. 

Judy is trained in Push Muscle Therapy which is a specialized muscle treatment that primarily addresses chronic or acute pain originating from muscle, tendon or soft ligaments. Push Therapy is not massage and you are completely clothed during your session. Using simple motions Push lengthens the muscle at its resting state and increases blood flow basically telling your muscles to let go of the tension.

You should know that this isn't a 'lay on the table and relax' experience. There was some discomfort involved. As Judy would work my muscles, they'd scream at me and resist the change. But Judy was receptive to that and told me to always let her know what I was feeling.

That's another thing about this experience...I was educated. Before she began, Judy showed me in a mirror how my muscle tension was affecting my posture. My right shoulder was about 2 inches higher than my left - I was seriously crooked! And when I looked at myself from the side view, even though I was trying to stand completely straight, my body was leaning forward so much that with a little touch Judy was able to push me forward. I was completely out of alignment and I didn't know it!

Judy worked my muscles and educated me throughout the entire session. When she was finished I couldn't believe how much better I felt. I left the session feeling 2 inches taller, no neck, back or hip pain and I slept like a baby Friday night. (Did I mention I've been dealing with insomnia too?) Then Saturday morning when I woke up, I couldn't believe it. My body felt incredible. I sat straight up - which usually I have to roll over. I almost jumped out of bed and went to tell my family how great my body felt and still feels. 

I'm officially a lover of being pushed around! I can't wait to get pushed around some more and try the other services Judy offers: Reflexology, Reiki, lymphatic massage, foot detox and more. 

Just so you know...Push muscle therapy may be able to eliminate the causes of pain from the following conditions: carpal tunnel, headaches, TMJ, leg or knee pain, plantar fasciitis, shoulder issues, low back ache, or hip discomfort.

I feel it would be 100% worth it to schedule an appointment and see what Footloose Reflexology and Muscle Therapies can do for you!!! I've never felt so good. 

Call Judy Smith (801) 529-8777 and tell her Happy Chemo! sent you. You'll get a 10% discount and an experience that may change your life. 

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