Thursday, February 17, 2011

Smoothing the Rough Edges - A review of 'I'm a Thriver' stones

Thriver Stone by
Product Review by Ginger Johnson

A gem cannot be polished without friction,

nor man perfected without trial. 

~Chinese Proverb

When I was first contacted by Go Thriver Go! to do a product review, I wasn't exactly sure what I'd be able to say about their product. After all, it's a rock.  But that was Day One and a lot has changed since.

Let's skip forward a week. I had been invited to attend a women's conference and the theme for the event was 'Choose to Become.' This particular day marked the end of a somewhat frustrating week for me and as the speaker began to share her story of trials and triumph, she sang a song that touched my heart. In essence, she sang:

When the winds of life begin to blow and the skies become dark, remember that it's the storm - NOT YOU- that is bound to blow away.

After the conference I found myself thinking about the stone I received and thoughts began forming in my mind about the process this stone had to go through to become so smooth and polished. Perhaps, at one time, this stone may have been part of a mountain top and through beating winds and severe rains had been torn from its original location and fallen down eventually landing in a river. Maybe it had jagged edges and a rough surface when it first hit the water, but now it was smooth because of the transition it had gone through. A transition it didn't bring upon itself. One that took it away from it's original location and one that altered how it looked.

Can anyone else relate???

Yet, like this rock, we can remain solid even after the mighty storms and whirlwinds beat upon us because of our determination to not just survive, but to thrive despite the challenges. 

Gabby Jung, the creator of the 'I'm a Thriver!' stone, chose to use natural river stones because they are natural and free flowing, yet solid and sturdy. She said of her own diagnosis with breast cancer: 

"I had my share of breakdowns. There were many times when I felt like giving up. But after being knocked down enough, I decided I would not let cancer define me. I am not a victim or just a survivor. I am a thriver. Being a thriver is much more than your physical condition on any given day. It's a declaration of who you are, no matter what challenge you face."

I now look at the 'I'm a Thriver' stone in a very different way. Just as our experiences with cancer are now etched into our lives, the words 'I'm a Thriver!' are etched into the stone, never to be worn away.  Interestingly enough, the word 'river' always stands out to me when I see the word 'thriver', as if to remind me of the process of transition that helped create it.

We can choose to thrive. We can choose to be steadfast when the storms come and this stone will remind me that although there has been lots of transitions in my life, I am a better person because some of my rough edges have been made smooth due to my experiences with cancer.


To purchase an 'I'm a Thriver!' stone for yourself or a loved one please visit the ThriverGo website.

For additional information, please contact Gabby Jung, Co-Founder of Go Thriver Go! at

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