Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lessons from a three year old

My little cancer marker born in 2007
Isn't it interesting how many of life's reminders come from children. And often when you're not expecting it. 

I think that often times our lives seem to take over and we are bombarded by so many distractions that it's hard to remember what things - or people - really matter most. 

Today I was reminded by little cancer marker that the things we say can really change a person's day, if not their existence. 

We were driving home and my mind was swirling with everything that I still needed to accomplish when I returned home. You know the drill -- email this person, finish the laundry, help kids with homework, what's for dinner? and on and on. 

Then, my mind was pulled back to the moment as my little cancer marker (who is now three) sweetly says, 'I love you mommy'. Four little words that rocked my reality.

I love you. So simple. So easy to say. Yet how often do we use them? 

Oftentimes we go along in our daily routines and take for granted that those around us - those that matter most to us - already know that we love them. But do they?

Here's my challenge: Tell those you love - that you love them. 

We all know that life is short. The time is now. Start sharing your love and open your arms to the love that will be coming in return.  I'll start - I love you. There, I said it and it feels great!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Ginger!

    As a fellow "pregnant-with-cancer" friend, I had a similar experience with epiphanic meaning when my little Amazing Grace (Gracie) turned three. It was a sweet reminder of a divine blessing then and your post is a sweet reminder of those blessings now. (She's 6!) Thanks for the reminder. Love you!
