Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Am Not My Body

Stephanie Nielson ( is one of my hero's. I recently read her book, 'Heaven Is Here', and was once again reminded of how important life is. For those of you who may not know her story, Stephanie was severely burned in an airplane accident (over 80% of her body) and had to endure immense pain from treatment in the burn unit to skin grafts to regain shape to her face, neck and body. 

I learned about Stephanie's journey when I was facing my own with breast cancer. Although our stories are very different, we have one thing in common - a statement she made that completely resonated with me when someone asked the question about how she could deal with her new 'look' and life. She said, 'I am not my body'. Powerful words. 

How many of us look at ourselves in the mirror daily and say mean, hurtful things to ourselves about our appearance?

It can be so easy to verbally beat ourselves up about some 'flaw' that we feel just ruins our life. I know I was guilty of this self abuse until I learned the greatest lesson of my life: I am not my body.

I lost both breasts to cancer by the time I was 32 and the scars on my chest are a daily reminder of that experience. Even with reconstruction there will still be scars, but in my moments of self pity and discouragement those five words sing out in my mind: I am not my body. 

Many of us determine our self worth by what we look like, the shape of our thighs or the color of our hair. We have literally been 'programmed' by television, radio and media in general that there is a certain way to look, dress and live. (That's why TV is called programming - we are literally being 'programmed' to believe something. Don't think so? Listen to kids sing commercial jingles or beg for the latest gadget they saw advertised. Yep...Programming)

So what are you watching, reading, listening to that is programming you to believe you have to look a certain way or you're of no value? What are you constantly focusing on that is causing you to feel that you are not as valuable as someone else?

Here's the challenge: Throw it away. Stop watching it. Reprogram yourself!!!

Instead of wasting time criticizing what you feel is wrong with yourself, I challenge you to begin praising what is right.

Instead of watching 'reality' shows, start creating a reality for yourself - one where you decide the outcome. 

Instead of comparing yourself to someone, seek out the good traits you see in others and work to obtain them. 

It's time to throw away the Ugly Stick and quit beating yourself with it. Realize that your worth lies deep within and as you nourish your true self, your inner light will begin to grow and shine through your eyes and you will be beautiful no matter what size or shape you are. Change the way you speak to yourself and you know what? Your entire life will change. 

You are not your body. You are so much more!

Ginger Johnson
Founder, Happy Chemo!

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